This session is one of my dreamiest to date. We didn't even know where we were going to shoot our portrait session up until the moment we found it. It's not like me to not have a "game plan," but I just wasn't familiar with this area and wasn't sure where to go! Jacob wasn't working that evening and offered to drive through Brimstone, so that I could focus on scouting a location while Alexis followed behind. I stared out the windows, looking for anything, praying for something.
Just as I was nearing a sliiiiiight panic, BAM! An adorable little shed appeared around a curve down that old gravel road. I yelled, "STOP! Stop the truck!" There was potential there...
Heaven opened up and there I found the most gorgeous light beaming through the trees - golden light! And wildflowers. And old dirt paths. And leaves that coincidentally matched their sweet outfits. AND RELIEF! I found it all... Here in this perfect spot. :)
And I may or may not even know who owns it...
Meet Alexis and her gorgeous little girl -- who I know you are going to fall in love with!

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